What URL Means?. All Thing That You Have To Know

Web address or domain name This is an address for a specific file, directory, or page of the website. Like - https://www.google.com This is also called a URL. The website's address usually registers the web page's home page. The address protocol of any website starts with the domain name and ends with the domain code.
what is url

Because we use the URL word mostly while using intrnet, it is not right to say that the URL is only on the world wide web because the URL can also point to a local network resource such as database, lcally host website etc.

What Is URL ? Full Details

what is url

The full form of the URL is Uniform Resources Locator. The URL was defined by Tim Berness-Lee in 1994 and the URLs are case-sensitive, that is, we have to take care of the lower case and the upper case. This is the standard way to address any resource on the Internet.

This URL is used by a web browser to access a web site or web page in the Internet. The URL consists of three things - protocols, domain names and domain codes. It tells the information available on the Internet and also shows the protocol and domain name of that notification.

As such, http://www.yahoo.com has the http hypertext transfer protocol that can be used on the World Wide Web website called yahoo.com. The domain name registers an Internet Protocol resource through the Internet. Contains com domain code.

www is the name of a server. There are a number of pages in the website that contain a unique URL. If we look in our real life, we can send it to any letter or to any courier when we have an address. If there is no address on the subject, we will not be able to send it anywhere.
URL Protocol Substrings:
Such protocols define network protocols, so that any network resources can be easily accessed. These strings are often short names, after which there are three special characters: ": //" This is a typical name conversion that denotes the protocol definition. Typical protocols used are such as HTTP, FTP, etc.

URL Host Substrings

A destination computer or network device can be identified with the help of Host Substring. Hosts come from standard Internet Data such as DNS and which we also know as IP addresses. The hostname of many websites does not represent only one computer, but it reflects the group of WebServers.

URL Location Substrings

Location Substring represents the path of a particular network that is present in that host. Resouces mainly resides in a host directory or folder.

History of URL

url mean

About the Uniform Resources Locators, Tim Berners-Lee was the first to bring this technology to the world, who first brought this idea to everyone that such an organization provides unique locational addresses to all web pages so that they can easily can be searched online.

After creating HTML, using the standard language, a lot of pages were created in the World Wide Web and hyperlinks with it. After that, the two were added to each other so that the internet became even bigger every day.

Full domain of every domain code:-

  • com - commercial
  • gov - government
  • edu - educational
  • org - Organization
  • mil - military
  • net - network
  • in - india

The address of the website can be obtained from web hosting providers like Bigrock, GoDaddy etc. This domain name industry is regulated and monitored by ICANN.

The Scheme:

The URL identifies the URL that we want to link and determines how to get a Resource linking. For most Web pages, for example, our Web Browser uses HTTP to access information such as Web pages, so most Web Address initials is from http: //.

But in order to transfer information and resources from one place to another, many different types of methods are also used on the basis of requirement and security. Some common methods used are:

http: //: The name of this scheme is the hypertext transfer protocol. Using this scheme to get resources, Web servers are requested to send requests from Web Browser and to get resources from Web Servers to get Web Browser.

https: //: The name of this scheme is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Using this scheme, Sensitive Data is used to send and receive encrypted forms between Web Servers and Web Browsers in view of the security.

ftp: //: The name of this scheme is the file transfer protocol. This scheme is used to transfer files to the Web. It is commonly used to download files from the web or upload files to the web.

file: //: This scheme is used to access any file when our file is on a local's hard computer or in a shared directory.

The Host Address:

Host Address is the domain name or IP address of the server computer where our desired web site is located. For example which is an IP address or www.google.co.in, which is a domain name, though www is not part of this domain name, but still it is used. We can use any site without using it too. There is no relation to its protocol.

The Filepath:

Filepath always starts with a Forward Slash and it can represent one or more Directories. Keep in mind that there is another sub-folder name on Directory Web Server that is separated by Forward Slash and the end of Filepath is always with a file name.

We can understand this process by the following URL: Where is our file name: /books/newReleases/BeginningWebDevelopment/Overview.htm in our FilePath. If we do not specify the name of the file, then the Web Server sends the Default File to Web Browser, which is usually named index.xxz, home.xxx or default.xxx, where xxx is the extension of the file or all the files located in the folder are displayed Does.

The operating system of the URL:

The URL is also called Uniform Resource Locator. Every domain name has a unique IP address that is numerical, such as www.google.com's IP address is, as soon as we type the URL of a website in our browser, then our browser supports the DNS Changes the IP address of that domain name and reaches the website that we have searched for.

When you type the domain name in the web browser, the browser finds the IP address of this domain name. Initially, a website was accessed from Direct IP but it was a very difficult method because it was very difficult to remember so many numbers, so later the DNS was named so that we can easily remember the name of any website. Able to

Domain name system servers accept the request from the browser and then change this domain name to its IP address. After getting the IP address of the domain name you entered, the browser connects to the associated target computer and opens the webpage you are requesting.

Consider if the names of flipkart, amazon, google, facebook, youtube, hindish were anything like this from, 26.649.1641.42, 54.134.654.12, 76.542.631.65, so if you can not remember them, then the domain Name system was created. By which you can easily remember the URL of any website.

Valid URL restriction:

Any valid URL string can contain alphanumeric characters and! $ -_ + '(), characters but space is not allowed.

Different types of URLs:
By the way, URLs are of many types and many different terms are used for them.

Messy: These are the types of URLs in which there are many numbers and letters that come from any organization sense, for example 'http://www.example.com/hjhjh'. Typically this URL is generated by the computer which creates thousands of web pages for the same domain name.

Dynamic: These URLs have also originated from the same place from which Messy URLs have come from. These URLs are the end result of a database query that provides content output in the results of any query. It also looks like Messy URL, which looks like characters like?,%, +, =, $. They are mainly used in the website used by the Consumer, such as a shopping, travelling websites in which the user frequently keeps changing their queries, so the answers also change.

Static: These are exactly the opposite of any dynamic URL. This URL has been completely hard wired with Webpage's HTML coding. This URL never changes, even if the user is doing anything rikest.

Obfescated: This is a very dangerous URL that is used in the phishing scam, as its name suggests that it is hidden which is used in a smart manner that makes it completely original, when it does a user click He redirects them to Malicious Website.

Why does not the characters in the URL be used:

We all know that space is not used in the URL but we should also know that according to RFC 1738 the string of the URL only contains alphanumeric characters and other characters like!!, $, -, *, ' 0 is also used and if any other characters are used it has to be encoded.

Absolute Versus Relative URLs:

Absolute URLs call them wherein all the mentioned sub string is used but in some cases only some or one location element is used, such a URL is called the Relative URL. The relative URL is used in Web Servers and Web Pages as a shortcut so that the length of the URL strings can be reduced. For example, the link to the same website is written in the Relative URL and the format of Absolute URL.

Relative URL: <a href="2019/06/what-is-romall-answer-is-here.html">

Equal Avsolute URL: <a href="https://grouplinkz.blogspot.com/2019/06/what-is-romall-answer-is-here.html">

The best thing to do in it is that with the help of Web Servers, automatically all the missing protocol and Host Information are filled, but remember that the relative URL can be used in those places where Host and Protocol Information can already be established.


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What URL Means?. All Thing That You Have To Know What URL Means?. All Thing That You Have To Know Reviewed by Avinash Kumar on June 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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