What Is Rom?.All Answer is Here

There are two types of memory in computers that are primarily and secondary. Primary memory is of two types, one RAM and another ROM. Whenever you buy a mobile or a laptop, you definitely ask this question from the shopkeeper how many GB RAM it contains. Nowadays you get a lot to hear about RAM and ROM, and in the higher tar, you see more RAM and ROM names in the phone's specifications.

ROM ? Full Details And Definition

What is Rom

The full name of the ROM is Read Only Memory. It is an important part of the computer connected to the computer. Friends, as we all know, there are 2 types of memory in our computer or mobile known as RAM and ROM. ROM is also called permanent storage because it contains data store.

What happens is that when we turn on our mobile or computer then the RAM starts working and when we power the computer or mobile, the whole data gets stored in the ROM. We can also add external ROMs such as mobile in the form of a chip in the computer, pen drives, hard drives etc. are also ROMs.

For example, when we go to a mobile or computer purchase, we check its internal memory. It happens that internal memory is 32 GB but it looks like 28 or 29 GB, which would have a slight difference between them. He is called the same ROM.

So as its full name is read only memory, we can only read it because there is a fixed program in it, we can not do anything or change it. This is an in-built memory of a computer whose data is read only online and nothing can be written and modified.

ROM is one of the parts connected to the computer. It is a main part of the computer. This is a primary storage device. It is chip-shaped and attached to the motherboard. It boots up the computer and when you turn on the computer for the second time it gives a new life to your data.

Function of ROM. Best Details Included

ROM's full form is Read Only Memory. ROM Esi Memory where we save all our data like - audio, video, photo, document and the software or apps that are installed are saved in the ROM itself. ROM speed is less compared to RAM. There is a huge difference in the price of ROM and RAM, which is the main reason that the speed of the RAM is high and the cost is high.
ROM type:
There are 4 types of ROMs that are as follows:

This is a ROM which we can update by updating once and we can never update or change it. What happens is that there are some small fuses in which inside the instruction is inserted, then once programmed, it can not erase again.

This digital memory is like an IC and used in CRT monitor. This is a Permanent Time program and the data stored in it is also Permanent. It is mostly in a power-driven device.


This ROM was used first but now no one uses it, it is read only memory hard wired devices, in which pre-programmed data and instruction are stored. This type of memory was very expensive at that time, but in today's time, they are nowhere to be found.


This is a chip that stores the computer's data after the computer is shut down. It is used by P.C.O. Computer is done in TV Tunar. The data is inserted and deleted with the help of laser. The special thing about this ROM is that we can also erase it and program it too.

But the way to erase this memory is quite different, in which this memory is passed by Ultra Violet light for about 40 minutes, then this memory is empty. "EPROM Eraser" is also used to achieve this work.

When doing programming, the charge is inserted within that which is kept for more than ten years because there is no way to get the charge out, so that it remains inside that memory. To erase the same charge, Ultra Violet Light is passed through the Quartz Crystal Window. The effect of this light only erases all charge.

Benefits of EPROM

It is very cheap. It can be programmed again. Even when the power supply is not there, it keeps retaining the data. Testing and debugging can be done here.

Losses of EPROM

The resistance of the transistor used in EPROM is very high. It consumes more electricity. It needs ultraviolet light to erase the data and  can not be fermented with an electrical signal and can not be fermented by any particular byte like EEPROM i.e. it contains all the data irregulars. To erase the data in EPROM and remove it from the computer to program again. Programming is very slow in this. Its price is higher than PROM.


When there was a change in technology-then the ROM needed to be changed, because of this the memory was used because we can erase it and programmed 10 thousand times. In this there is some size data store after computer is shut down. It is connected to the computer's motherboard. Its job is to turn on the computer.

This tool works like a lighter starter. In this you can read any data, erase it or you can write it again, but for this, you have to give a signal to BYTE (BYTE). Nowadays, there is also the use of some different EEPROM to store some large size data in the ROM. It has a limited time.

Types of EEPROM:

EEPROM is of two types - Serial EEPROM and Parallel EEPROM etc.


In this, data transfer is sorted and its procedure is very complex. Due to serial data transfers, it is slower than parallel.

Parallel EEPROM

Parallel EEPROM is that which is faster and reliable than serial EEPROM and can be used with EPROM and flash memory. But due to their high value they are used very little.

Benefits of EEPROM:

In this, the data is erased from the electrical method, which is the fastest method. In this we can erase the entire data and data by a byte too. It does not have to be removed from the computer to erase the data. It is very easy to program. EEPROM can be reprogrammed countless times.

Losses of EEPROM:

EEPROM is more expensive than PROM and EPROM. EEPROM needs different voltage to read, write and erase data. This data can only be retained for about 10 years.


It looks like a semi-conductor in which you can do some electrical signals that you want to make changes and helps to turn on the computer and bring the display together with the RAM. It also looks like an IC.


It's like a microprocessor which is compatible with ROM, and it helps to turn on the computer system. It also controls the flow of data connected to computer-connected devices like - mouse, keyboard, hard disk and video adapter and computer operator.

Profit of ROM ? Rom Benefits

1. ROM is much cheaper than RAM.
2. The data of the ROM does not change automatically, but only when we make some changes in it.
3. It is of non-volalite nature that keeps the program permanent.
4. It does not need to be refreshed.
5. It is more reliable than the RAM because the data in the RAM remains the same as long as the power supply remains.
6. It is considered very thoughtful, which we can not change frequently.

What is Ram? All Details are here

what is ram

The full name of RAM is Random Access Memory. This is the most important part for any computer or device. RAM is used to store data but it remains stored until the power is ON. When the power is off, then the store data is lost in it - say your phone is switched off.
At this time your ram is completely empty and your RAM is not being used. All the applications that are in your phone storage or are in your memory card. As soon as you start your phone, your operating system will load into your phone.

This system will first use your RAM and along with the application you will start with RAM. This is the reason that even after closing all applications your phone's RAM is being used. After this, when you open a new application on your mobile, it goes into RAM and after opening some application it becomes full.

If you open an application after the RAM is full, then it closes the old app to make its place. Closing means that it removes the application from its RAM and sends it to the internal storage. The speed of our phones reduces due to such process repeatedly, so the larger the speed of the RAM, the higher the speed of the mobile.

Function of RAM:

The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory. Data stored in RAM remains only as long as there is power supply in it, but once your power is off your data gets deleted. RAM is a temporary memory that is used to run our computer or mobile apps and software. When we start any software or app, it works on our RAM but as long as it does not start it remains in the ROM.

RAM requirement:

As long as the software starts up and works, RAM is required because our computer wants to work faster with software and the speed of the ROM is very low and the speed of the RAM is very high. So our computer starts the software or app on the RAM so that the software works very quickly and until our software works, then the RAM is used as soon as you close the program, it gets deleted from your RAM. But the ROM remains active.

Differences between ROM and RAM? Full Information

difference between ram and rom

One major difference in ROM OR RAM is that when you turn off your computer, RAM loses its data, but ROM does not require any continuous power of its work. The ROM can store its information even after the computer is shut down. Using ROM chip helps the computer get started.

The ROM chip works slowly. Only a few megabytes of data can be stored in the ROM chip and it is also used in some gaming system cartidges. ROM is a non-volatile memory whereas RAM is volatile. Data can be stored on a regular basis in Rome, whereas RAM can not be made permanent.


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What Is Rom?.All Answer is Here What Is Rom?.All Answer is Here Reviewed by Avinash Kumar on June 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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