What Is VPN ?,Its Types and How It Works and More

With varying times, many people are connecting with the Internet. Many of our lives have become easier through the internet now. Through the Internet, we can connect with the whole world and stay in touch with our friends and relatives through social sites, but do you know that Internet usage is not completely safe.

You can not even guess that your personal data may be stolen behind your back. In this case VPN is used. VPN can do a lot of work as well as secure your personal data. The world of the Internet has developed a lot today and we can not think of Facebook, Twitter and whatsapp without internet.

What is a VPN? Full Details:

what is vpn

VPN is a network technology whose full name is virtual private network, in which the Secure Connection is made in Public Internet Network. Many companies, educational institutions and government organizations use VPN Technology to remote users to connect to their private networks safely.

In order to give remote users access to their networks with the help of the Internet, VPN tunnels are made from the connection of remote users to the office network. VPN is a cheap and good way to create private networks. Multiple sites can be connected to multiple differences from VPN.

In VPN, users can share data on public networks by connecting securely to private networks. Technically VPN connection (LAN) gives all the benefits of the Local Area Network, it is as it happens in many offices but it is without wire.

VPN is a way by which a security and privacy are used for private and public networks such as hotspot, wi-fi, and internet. VPN is used to preserve sensitive data. Using VPN increases the privacy very much because the user's IP address is replaced by VPN providers.

This is because when your ip addreass Hacker does not know it and it will never be able to hack your device, and in this way you can easily secure browsing in the Internet world, and simultaneously you can add your data and You can also secure the information.

Disadvantages and Benefits of Using Free VPN Service:

Free VPN does not require you to pay any money, that is, you can use any of the features available in it. You can use it for free. If you want to use any block website you can use free VPN. In Free VPN you will have AIDS and show or you can use some limited bandwidth only.

If your data is Highly Confidentally then it is not right to use Free VPN because the Free VPN providers can share your data with other people for their benefit.

Benefits of using Paid VPN service:

If you buy a VPN service, then your data is completely saved. The paid VPN service company does not share any of your data with anyone. You will find many more with unlimited bandwidth in VPN paid service.

Use of VPN in computer:

vpn in computer

You can use VPN manually in the computer, but for this, you will need an IP address and user name and password that you will get in free on the Internet. You can buy it but here I will tell you the best method how you have been provided by a free VPN opera company which is absolutely safe and best and is totally free.

First of all you have to install Opera Developer software in your computer or laptop. After installing the software, open it then you click in the top side menu and click in Settings. Now click on Privacy & Security within the settings and then VPN option is to enable VPN.
After that the VPN will be activated in your Opera browser, after which you can access any block website within the same browser. VPN will become active as soon as you enable it, after that the URL of the browser can be VPN written by clicking on it, you can turn VPN on-off as well as change the location.

Use of VPN in Mobile:

vpn in mobile

It is very easy if you want to use VPN in mobile. You will find a lot of apps in the Play Store, which are totally free. You do not need any user id password in it. This app automatically sets up all settings of VPN in your phone. Then you can use VPN.

First of all install the Touch VPN app in your smart phone. You can install this app by clicking on the download. After installing, you have to open the app and then select the location. After that click on connect as soon as you click connect, VPN will activate on your phone.


VPN is a virtual private network that lets you encrypt your data. With the help of VPN, you can access any block website from anywhere, and with the help of VPN, you can access any website by changing your IP address ie this process is a safe process and its use is mostly in business. is done. VPN is used in the website of studies like - school or college website, large company etc. You can use VPN in both mobile computers.

How VPN works:

how vpn works

An IP address is assigned to the internet that you use on your mobile or computer. IP address can detect the location of your device. As soon as you open any website in the browser, the request reaches the server of that website with your IP address.

Similarly, that server detects the location of your device. After verifying the IP, the server sends its data to your device. Now there is no security in this connection. VPN secures all the work you do on the Internet.

Using VPN, you can also access the restriction on the Internet, which means that you can access the website that you did not get permission to view or that website has been blocked by your country. There are two technologies through which the VPN connection can be connected so that the data is transmitted securely over the public network.

By Tunneling:- Tunneling means creating a tunnel on the public network, in which the whole packet is transmitted to the public network in another packet. In this, encapsulating protocols are chosen so that when the data is transmitted over the public network, other computers or network devices can not understand it. By encryption we can scramble the data so that only he can understand the receiver.

By Encryption:- The tunneling is meant to create a tunnel on the public network in which the whole packet is transmitted to the public network in other packets. In this, the encapsulating protocol is chosen in such a way that other computers or network devices can not understand it while transmitting data to the public network.

VPN Network Protocol:

vpn protocol

Over time, some protocols and security features are also increasing; some of these protocols are as follows:

1. IP security: It is often used to secure the internet connection.

2. PPTP: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol is a technology used to create VPN. PPTP is from windows 95 The special thing of PPTP is that it is easily set up with every major operating system, but just a few moments ago, a lot of questions were raised about the security of PPTP. PPTP is still strong but not completely secure. It does not encrypt, but it only tunnels and encrypts the data packets.

3. L2TP: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol is a technology that is an extension of PPP protocol that enables ISP to operate VPN.

4. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security): SSL and TLS create a VPN connection where the web browser works as a client and users have access to specific applications rather than access to the entire network . SSL and TLS protocols are used by most online shopping websites and service providers.

5. SSH (Secure Shell): SSH is also known as Secure Socket Shell. This is a network protocol by which administrators can secure access to remote computers. Secure Shell makes strict authentication and encrypted data communication between two computers on an insecure network like the Internet.

6. Open VPN: Open VPN is an SSL based VPN that is becoming very popular. This software is freely available, SSL is a mature encription protocol and Open VPN can be run on a single UDP YA TCP port, which makes it very flexible.
7. L2TP / IP Sec: L2TP / IP is more secure than PPPTP. L2TP / IPSec applies two protocols together to provide the best features in which the L2TP tunnel creates and IPSec provides a secure channel.

How To Change Location In Mobile By Using VPN:

It is very easy to change your location from VPN in your mobile so you will find a lot of applications on the internet which helps you to change your internet location. You can easily download the application from Google Play Store and change your internet location and surf the Internet from any country.

Setting Up a VPN:

Installation of VPN is a straightforward process. It is often as easy as entering a username and server address. The major smartphones can configure VPNs using PPP and L2TP / IPsec protocols. All major operating systems can configure PPTP VPN connections. OpenVPN and L2TP / IPsec protocols require downloading a small open source application (OpenVPN) and certificate, respectively.

VPN type:
VPN is mainly of three types - Site-to-Site VPN, PPTP VPN, IPsec.

1. Site-to-Site VPN: While using this VPN, it can not use any dedicated line in it. In it, different sites of the same organization, each one has its own network, connect together to create a VPN. The site-to-site VPN is almost the same as PPTP, leaving only one thing. Unlike PPTP, routing, encryption and decryption are both built in the router at the end, which can be based on a hardware or software.

2.PPTP VPN: PPTP stands for Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol. This is a very common and widely used VPN protocol. Its disadvantage is that it does not provide encryption and in this, users connect to a VPN network using the password authentication on the VPN on the current Internet connection. This does not require additional hardware and its features are often available as a cheap add-on software.

3. IPsec VPN: This is a trusted protocol that sets up a tunnel on a central site from a remote site. As its name suggests that it has been designed for IP traffic. IPSec requires expensive, time-consuming client installations and this is why it is considered as the largest dissevantage.

Benefits of VPN:

VPN has many advantages, some of which are:

1. Replaceing the original IP: VPN has been created so that it replaces your original IP address on the Internet to create a fake IP address, so that hackers can not trace you, and thus you can rest on the Internet without any fear Can work.

2. Encrypting Data: With the help of VPN you can easily move your data. When you transfer your data through the internet and it does not have a VPN in your device, it can be easily traceable but due to being a VPN it is completely secure. VPN is the strongest tool to provide encryption.

3. Censorship: The use of VPN is the best way in which you can express your thoughts without fear, or at a place where you can not express your thoughts openly or express your thoughts. Nobody will be able to access your IP address.

4. Protecting and protecting a Wi-Fi connection: When you use public Wi-Fi or hotspot, the chances of getting hacked of your data go up too much but VPN can inprove your online security and privacy and your IP address Helps you to be invisible.

5. Privacy: With VPN you can hide your ID. As mentioned above, the VPN replaces the IP of the device, it will hide your location.
6. Security: VPN encrypts your data. With this help you can safely work on the Internet. Using online VPN in transactions where your debit or credit card information will prove to be very beneficial.

7. Access to Blocked sites: If your internal provider has blocked certain sites, you can open it with the help of VPN.

How to connect to a VPN:

You can use VPN on both your computer or mobile, however, nowadays all of the Smart Devices have the option of VPN connection so that you can connect to the VPN when you make some settings. But with the help of software you can easily connect to a VPN in one click. You can choose any of the free or paid VPN services.

Use of VPN:

use of vpn

VPN is used in most colleges because it is kept locking the admins downloading stream so that students can not download and the students have problems and when they do not have any other solution, they install VPN. So that he can run whatever he wants.

VPN is beneficial for you because the security was created for the sake of security. Now everyone will want to use the security so that it gradually increased and today it has developed very much and many people use it. Whenever you activate VPN and run the Internet, every activity you make is kept secure so that no hacker will steal or destroy your data.

What Is VPN ?,Its Types and How It Works and More What Is VPN ?,Its Types and How It Works and More Reviewed by Avinash Kumar on June 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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